Masters in Communication

Common Questions of Prospective Students

Can I apply if I do not have an undergraduate degree in Communication?

Yes, you can! Anyone who has completed a bachelor’s degree can apply.

What is the focus of the program? What concentrations do you offer?

The School of Communication at ECU offers a 30-hour Master of Arts degree in communication with two concentrations: health communication and strategic communication. The program consists of courses that provide students with wide-ranging knowledge of the theory and practice of communication in general and of either health communication or strategic communication.

What is the difference between the Graduate Certificate and the master’s degree?

The Graduate Certificate in Health Communication requires successful completion of 12 hours of graduate coursework in Health Communication, earning a grade of B or better for each course. The master’s degree is a 30-hour program which includes core classes, concentration courses, as well as electives.

What kinds of classes should I expect in the Strategic Communication concentration?

The MA in Communication with a concentration in strategic communication is designed for the current landscape of communication professionals. Strategic communication utilizes a mix of principles and practices from public relations, social media, digital communication, organizational communication, and leadership with the goal of preparing students to meet organizational needs. The concentration incorporates elements of strategy, leadership, analytics, persuasion, organizational communication, and practice.

What kinds of classes should I expect in the Health Communication concentration?

The core of the Master of Arts in communication with a concentration in health communication addresses how individuals interact in a variety of relationships and contexts. This concentration addresses the dynamics of communication from perspectives such as the influence of interpersonal communication (e.g., physician-patient communication and its relationship to health outcomes); the media, (e.g., how people use the media to learn about health issues and how the media influences decision-making regarding health); and organizational communication (e.g., the effects of organizational structures and cultures on health communication processes).

Do I need to write a master’s thesis to complete the MA program?

Students may select a thesis option or a project option (COMM 6999 Applied Communication Capstone—Must receive a grade of B or better) within the degree program.

Does the school offer a master’s degree in journalism or marketing?

No, we do not.

How long will it take to complete the program?

The program is 30 hours which requires 10 courses. The time to finish the program depends on how many classes you take each semester. Contact the graduate program director to discuss your individual course plan

Can I attend part-time?

Yes, many of our students are working professionals who have a part-time course load of 3 or 6 hours per semester (1 or 2 classes).

Is the program offered online?

Our can be completed completely online.

How many weeks is each class/course?

Fall and spring courses are 15 weeks. Summer courses are 5 or 10 weeks.

When are graduate classes usually scheduled?

Our face-to-face courses are offered in the late afternoon or evening and are 3 hours long. Our online courses are available on Canvas and are open 24 hours a day for students to complete work. Each semester we try to offer one synchronous course so that our DE students can join our FTF students in the classroom through Webex or Microsoft Teams

Who will be my advisor?

The Graduate Program Director, Dr. Keith Richards,, advises all graduate students in the School of Communication.

How much will it cost me for tuition?

Tuition for East Carolina University can be found online at:

Do you offer graduate assistantships?

A limited number of teaching and research assistantships are available within the School of Communication, and these are awarded on a competitive basis. If you are interested please indicate this in your statement of purpose.

Do I have to pay tuition if I receive a graduate teaching assistantship?

Tuition is still required for students with a graduate assistantship.

Applying for Graduate Study in the School of Communication

When is my application due?

Our application deadline for the Fall semester is June 1 and for the Spring semester is October 15th

Who should I get to write my Reference Letters?

In general, you want to have someone with knowledge of your academic work write your letter of reference. Letters from current or former (non-academic) supervisors are preferred to co-workers as these tend to be less persuasive, since they cannot speak to your academic abilities.

Do I need to include a writing sample in my application?

Applicants are not required to submit a writing sample. You may choose to include one to help the admission committee make their decision.

If I’m applying for both admission and a teaching assistantship, do I need two separate sets of recommendation letters?

You do not need separate sets of recommendation letters.

How long does it take to hear if I have been accepted?

The committee meets to review applications throughout the year and strives to make timely decisions. You should expect to hear a decision anywhere from 2-6 weeks.

How do I write a Statement of Purpose?

Your statement of purpose should include your goals, experiences, and reasons for applying to the graduate program in the School of Communication and should be no longer than 750 words.