Sachiyo Shearman

Ph.D. Communication, Michigan State University, 2004
M.A. Communication, Michigan State University, 2000
B.A. English and Linguistics, Kitakyushu University, 1998
Courses Taught:
Business and Professional Communication COMM3180 Intercultural Communication, Conflict and Communication, Communication Research Methods (Undergraduate Course), Communication Research Methods (Graduate Course), Intercultural Communication in the Health Context, Communication Across Cultures
Research Interests:
Cross-cultural comparative studies in communication styles and preferences, individual differences (such as dogmatism and perspective-taking ability) and cognitive processing in negotiation, conflict resolution and intercultural communication
Scholarly Work/Publications:
Dr. Shearman’s work has been published journals such as Human Communication Research, Communication Quarterly, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Journal of Family Communication, Communication Research Reports, Language and Communication, and Asian Journal of Social Psychology.