John Howard

Ph.D. in Communication Studies, Bowling Green State University, 2003.
Cognate: Philosophy of Language and Linguistics
Dissertation:“Tower, am I cleared to land?:” (Mis)communication in aviation discourse
Chair: Dr. Julie A. Burke
M.A. in Interpersonal Communication Bowling Green State University, 1995.
Cognate: Philosophy
M.S. Policy Analysis University of Rochester, 1994.
Thesis: Congestion and aircraft safety
Director: Dr. Larry Rothenberg
B.A. Political Science, SUNY Binghamton, 1992.
A.A. General Studies, A.S. Math/Science, North Country Community College, 1990.
Courses Taught:
Conflict, Persuasion, Argumentation and Debate, Leadership, Computer Mediated Communication, Organizational Communication and others.
Research Interest:
Nationalism, Gender, Leadership, Mediated Communication and Society, Applied Conflict, Applied Communication