Brian Massey

Ph.D., Communication, Florida State University, 1997
M.A., Communication, University of West Florida, 1988
B.A., Communication, University of West Florida, 1980
Courses Taught:
News reporting, investigative reporting, media writing, feature writing, and copy editing; global media systems, communication research methods, mass communication theory, and media effects.
Research Interests:
Print and online/Web newspapers, multiplatform newswork, journalists’ job satisfaction and organizational change in the newsroom.
Scholarly Work/Publications:
Dr. Massey’s scholarly works have been published in U.S. and international academic publications, including the Asian Journal of Communication, International Communication Gazette, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Communication, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Media International Australia, and Newspaper Research Journal.
Also of Note:
Dr. Massey worked for years as a newspaper reporter and editor. He served in Belize as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer and later, taught at a university in Singapore. He also has trekked through Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, London, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam and Peru.