Communication Navigator Series Addresses Personal Resiliency on Thursday, November 18 at 6 p.m.

The second event of the Communication Navigator Series is scheduled for November 18 at 6 p.m. virtually via Teams. 

The East Carolina University School of Communication will host a workshop on “Personal Resiliency: Tips for Navigating Rough Waters.” This workshop is intended to help students with coping skills and to understand the current climate and its effects on everyone. 

Phylicia Bridgers, MS, LCMHCA, NCC, staff counselor at ECU’s Center for Counseling and Student Development, will provide a presentation on the topic to participants. 

Dr. Mary Tucker-McLaughlin, associate professor of communication, started this series to help students develop additional skills and learn about the communication field. 

 “We hope to be able to find out what students need and want to learn about careers in communications and how we can facilitate that. The series is meant to deliver information and skills relating to career success and the communication field, which are a compliment to the things students are already learning in class,” said Tucker-McLaughlin. 

 The event is intended for current Communication majors and minors. This specific workshop was created with the sophomore class in mind. 

 “This is the class that lost their last semester of high school and then were plunged into a year of online learning at ECU having never attended a large university before. Some of these students have struggled with soft skills like talking with professors, making friends etc.,” said Tucker-McLaughlin. 

Interested students can join the workshop here: 

 Via QR Code on flyer 


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