East Carolina University School of Communication Stands with Asian-American and Pacific Islander Communities.

We of the School of Communication at East Carolina University condemn in the strongest way the madness of hate inflicted upon people of Asian descent. Last week’s murders of six Asian women at Atlanta-area spas is the latest horrific act of the madness. We grieve for them and for the three non-Asians who died with them or was wounded.

We grieve for the victims of the 3,795 acts of hate that the group Stop AAPI Hate says were committed against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders over the past 12 months. Women are twice as likely than men to be targets of the hate, which takes form as physical assaults, verbal and online harassment, and transgressions of civil rights laws. These are the publicly known acts of anti-Asian hate. Untold numbers of others go unreported.

We recognize that this horrific tragedy is rooted in the disturbing trend of hate against Asians and Asian-Americans due to the scapegoating rhetoric around COVID-19.

And we cry out, “Enough!”

To the AAPI students at ECU, we say we stand with you. This is a safe place for you.

To people of good will, we say it is time to put action to words. Be agents for change. Make a difference. Lead by example.

Let us resolve to call out the hatemongers.

Let us resolve to wield acceptance, tolerance and kindness against the hate.

Let us resolve to demand that our elected representatives pay serious and nonpartisan attention to the epidemic of hate infecting our national soul.

Let us resolve to work together to build an inclusive America.