Interview Skills
Dress Professionally Consider wearing a suit for interviews or a similar outfit like a nice dress or a nice shirt and pants. Make sure shoes are clean and wear something...
Dress Professionally Consider wearing a suit for interviews or a similar outfit like a nice dress or a nice shirt and pants. Make sure shoes are clean and wear something...
HIGHLIGHT MAIN POINTS This makes it easy for listeners to follow and remember your messages. By highlighting the important ideas in your speech, your ideas stand out and connect to...
SIMPLE WORDS Good speakers use simple language. Using confusing jargon or unfamiliar technical term rather than plain terms can have consequences in writing and speaking. For example, there is no...
DON'TÂ EXAGGERATE Don't be like Pinocchio! Overstating or presenting facts as more important than they are can damage your credibility as a speaker. DON'T DISTORT This can include misrepresenting or...
IMPROVES BRAIN MEMORY Research says that only 10 to 25 percent of your speech will be remembered without a visual aid! Learning is DOUBLED when pictures and graphics are used...
Types Of Verbal Supports: Explanations, Statistics, Brief or Detailed examples, Comparisons, Expert Opinions, Fables, Sayings, & Simple Demonstrations Pro Tip: Explanations and statistics tend to be used too often,...
VOLUME The loudness or softness of your voice. The volume of your voice is important in several ways. You need to speak loudly enough to be heard all over the...